Sunday, November 12, 2023

Hope in the midst of uncertainty

Rev. Molly F. James, PhD

St. James’s Episcopal Church, West Hartford, CT

November 12, 2023

Psalm 78:1-7; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Matthew 25:1-13

We are coming to the end of Ordinary Time, and it’s almost Advent. This means that we get texts about judgment and the second coming of Christ. Our Gospel says, “Keep awake therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.” Our Collect for today reminds us that Christ will come again with power and great glory. And then our Epistle reminds us that so many in the early church thought Christ was going to return in their lifetime. 

So here we are 2000 years later, and he hasn’t come back yet. What are we supposed to do with these texts? What exactly is the 21st century meaning of the parable of the ten bridesmaids with their lamps? Are we just supposed to remember to keep our cell phones charged and flashlights on hand in case the power goes out? Well, that is wise practical advice, I think there is more to it than that. 

There is a profound lesson at the heart of today’s texts. Life is uncertain. There are no guarantees. Indeed none of us knows how long we have nor how long those we love have. Our news headlines regularly remind us of the fragility of human life. Whether it is war or violence or natural disasters. And I would bet that most of us don’t need news headlines to know this fact. We have plenty of reminders in our own lives and our own communities that life is precious, sacred, and uncertain. 

I know that for many of us whenever this reminder comes along it can bring us up short or feel like we got punched in the stomach. It is a hard truth to face. One we would prefer we did not have to face. 

That is why I think it is so important that we read this Gospel alongside our Epistle. We need to hear again and again that we are a people of hope. We do not need to grieve as others do, as those who have no hope. 

We have hope. We have hope in God, in our faith, and in each other. The fragility of life can be a source of inspiration. It can inspire us to live life to the fullest. To be grateful each day for the myriad blessings in our lives. It can help us slow down a little and pay attention. We can be present to the moment. 

We believe that Jesus was raised from the dead. We believe that neither death nor evil have the last word. Love is stronger than death. Love wins. Hope wins. There is more to life than what we can see or know at this moment. 

And there are days when it is hard to hold on to that truth. Hard to believe that Love is the most powerful force there is. We can feel overwhelmed by the stresses and strains of our daily lives. By the magnitude of suffering that is all around us. 

And so we have to return again to the words of our Epistle today. We have to remember that we will grieve. It is important to note that nowhere does Jesus promise a carefree life or a life free from suffering. What Jesus does promise us is that we have hope in the midst of that grief. 

Grief will never consume us or define us. We are never alone in our grief. There is no grief in this life that Jesus does not know. We can trust in that truth. We can trust that grief will never have the last word. The love of God made manifest to us in Christ is stronger than any grief. 

If today is a day where you are struggling to hold on to that truth, it is okay. You are not alone. We have all had those days. And that’s why we have each other. That’s why we have Church. That’s why we have community. We hold the faith for each other. So, if you are struggling, know that we got you. We will hold the truths of our faith for you today. And next week or next month, when its someone else’s turn, you can hold the faith for them. 

So, even if it feels tenuous today, know that the beautiful truths of our faith are real. The words we say, the hymns we sing, the food we share - all of it - grounds us and connects us more deeply to God and each other. So no matter what the future brings, know that you are standing, we are standing together, on a foundation that cannot be shaken. AMEN.

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